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The good practice and good medicine are the principle of our clinic services. Acupuncture herbs chinese medicine - aches and pains - acne - allergies - anxiety - arthritis - asthma - blood disorders - bronchitis - child growth delay - constipation - cold damp; influenza - chrohn's disease - cystitis - depression - diabetes - emotional problems - fatigue - fluid retention - gloucoma - hay-fever - headaches - heel spur - hepatitis - hip pain - high blood pressure - hormonal disorders - hot flushes - liver toxic - incontinance - infertility - insomnia - irritable bowel - kidney (urinary) infection - migraine headaches - miscarriage - morning sickness - stroke - ovarian disorders - pmt - palpitation - post stoke rehab - prostate problems - scars - skin disorders - skin ulcer - shingles - sinusitis - stomach ulcer - stress - tennis elbow - thyroid disorders - virus attacks - weight gain - wrinkles motor neurology disease teenage eating disorders diabetic type II insulin dependence anxiety and palpitation hypo-thyroid muscle wasting after the virus attack calf ulcer with diabetes after four miscarriages. Focusing on yin yang balance that provides opportunities to maximise health potential in all aspects. Incontinence of urine Infertility succeed at once Heel Spur and Plantar Fascia Treatment Felt pregnant naturally after 8yrs no period Pins and Needles Inducing Labour Feet Arthritis Treatment Infrared healing for Chrohn's disease Postal Natal Depression Diarrhea--Allergy--Psoriasis Tennis Elbow Irritable bowel syndrome Mediication withdrawal Haemochromatosis: excess iron Substance Abuse Broken spine from T7/T8 for 9 years Restless Legs - Dancing Syndrome She didn't go blind, infact, brighter! All Kinds of Arthiritis She is breathing NO2 & CO2 in 8hrs a day! 15yo Bed Wettings Frozen Shoulder Springwood Wellness Centre Robertson sunnybank coopers plains eight mile plains garden city mount gravatt acacia ridge calamvale stretton runcorn algester kuraby fruitgrove sunnybank hills nathan taragindi wishart underwood.
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