What you should know about Rod North & Sons Transport ( Nth Qld ) Pty Ltd
Transport in Brisbane,
Transportation Services in Brisbane,
Transportationation in Brisbane,
Logistics in Brisbane
Rod North and Sons Transport (Nth Qld) Pty Ltd are a family owned and operated Road Transport Service offering deliveries to every major city from Brisbane to Cairns. We can also arrange for deliveries to all other location in-between.We are a Dedicated Freight Transport Company working towards a better Queensland.In the provision of Road Transportation we use both Single & B-Double Flattop's and Taut-liners. We transport everything from a single pallet to a full load of palletised freight. Some examples of products that we Transport are: Concrete; Containers; General Freight; Huts; Machinery; Oversize Loads; Palletised Freight; Produce and Timber.
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Freight Transport from Brisbane to Cairns and nearly all major towns in between. We are a Dedicated Freight Transport Company working towards a better Queensland. In the provision of Road Transportation we use both Single & B-Double Flattop's and Taut-liners.
Some of the freight that we Transport are: Concrete Products; Containers; General Freight; Huts; Machinery; Oversize Loads; Palletised Freight; Produce and Timber Products.
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