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Rebalance Advanced Massage Services
Massage Therapy in Brisbane

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By Appointment, Banyo, QLD,4014. Banyo. Brisbane, QLD,
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What you should know about Rebalance Advanced Massage Services

Acupuncture in Brisbane, Health Services in Brisbane, Body Massage in Brisbane, Health in Brisbane

Massage therapy can assist with: * relief of pain from recent and long term conditions * muscle tightness and soreness * headaches and migraines * anxiety, stress or depression * muscle recovery after exercise and sport * neck and shoulder pain * repetitive strain injuries * improved circulation Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy * Deep Tissue Treatment * Therapeutic Relaxation Massage * Remedial Massage and Treatment * Sports Massage and Stretching * Musculoskeletal Therapy * Cupping * Trigger Point Therapy * Pressure Point Treatment * Musculoskeletal Acupuncture Treatments include: Relaxation Massage De-stress the body, mind and soul. Health Fund Rebates (check with your health fund) and EFTPOS (debit card, visa and mastercard) facilities are available Call now for an appointment - it will change your life. A deluxe addition to your session and highly recommended. Designed to melt through tension and soothe the soul. Hot Stone Therapy Pre-dating written history, this ancient form of treatment is a combination of massage (typically relaxation or deep tissue) and targeted application of heated basalt stones. Recommended for both acute and chronic injuries as well as areas of muscle tension and tightness that have been resistant to other forms of treatment. Musculoskeletal Acupuncture Very fine needles (similar to acupuncture needles) are applied to specific areas of the body to treat musculoskeletal problems. Cupping may leave a coloured mark on the skin for a couple of days. Myofascial Cupping The application of heated glass cups to areas of tension and tightness causes an increase in blood flow, helping to release the tension in the muscle allowing it to return to a normal state. Therapy includes gentle but firm compression of the areas of tension allowing them to release and return to normal function. Trigger Point Therapy Specific treatment of muscle knots and areas of tension which are causing localised pain and tenderness as well as often referred pain. Recommended for a range of sports people from the professional athlete to the social sports player. A valuable component in a well balanced training program. Sports Massage Reduces recovery time, promotes flexibility and improves endurance. This is not a painful treatment, though you may feel an increase in pressure applied to your skin. Recommended for nagging repetitive symptoms. Deep Tissue Massage Work the tension right out of your body by targeting chronic muscle tensions and knots, tendons, focusing on the deep layers of the muscles, and fascia. Recommended for hectic lifestyles. Eases tension, soothes your nervous system, and improves circulation. (more).

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