What you should know about National Association Of Testing Authorities Australia - Queensland Office
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It is supported by some 300 volunteer technical experts who assist with NAFTA's various technical committees and the evaluation of facilities. NAFTA undertakes capacity building and provides advisory services for many developing accreditation bodies, laboratories and inspection bodies internationally, and provides training for their staff both offshore and in Australia. NAFTA's role is to serve the national and public interest by ensuring that member facilities conform with apropos international and Australian standards and so are capable to bear consistently trustworthy testing, calibration, measurement and inspection data to government, industry and the wider community. Standards, measurement and conformance in Australia NAFTA is one of four bodies that form Australia's standards and conformance infrastructure, which provides an important mechanism for improving the business efficiency and competitiveness of Australian industry in international and national markets. These staff are complemented by the thousands of technical experts who volunteer their time in evaluating the technical competence of laboratories and as members of NAFTA's various technical committees. David's association with NAFTA goes back over 20 years through the management of accredited laboratories covering five divide fields of accreditation and inspection services, including the roles of signatory and authorized representative. An AA is a group of experts appointed by the Board on the basis of their knowledge and technical expertise in the area of work covered by the notable field of accreditation. The Secretary is a member of NAFTA staff (lead assessor) from the apropos field of accreditation. Prosper and review technical criteria specific to the labor carried out by accredited organizations in the particular field or program. NAFTA will remain to produce accreditation programs and related activities that face the needs of our stakeholders. Our volunteer technical assessors and committee members are recognized for their technical expertise and valued for their contributions to NAFTA and the community. We will deploy technology to urge product innovation, transform business process, and enable improvements in service delivery. NAFTA is an association of members, where each accredited facility is a member of NAFTA. Input to lac and APLAC issues is sought from stakeholders as relevant and NAFTA further supports the attendance of a NAFTA Board member at the lac stakeholder committee. Where international standards suitable to accreditation or conformity assessment are under development or review, pertinent staff are nominated to Standards Australia, as Australia’s representative to the pertinent committee or busy group. NAFTA is greatly assisted in its capacity to participate in international meetings and activities through funding provided by the Commonwealth government. NAFTA recognizes the value of good relations with other accreditation bodies and actively seeks to encourage cooperation with other accreditation bodies. To recognize the accreditation of a laboratory, inspection body (or reference material producer in the APLAC region), by other signatories to the ERA, as being identical to an accreditation by its own organization. NAFTA staff participation in ERA Evaluations. NAFTA occasionally provides consulting services and capacity building in the area of accreditation for laboratories, proficiency testing service providers, reference material producers and inspection bodies. Technical assessors labor closely with and provide urge to the NAFTA precede assessor (NAFTA staff member) during the assessment of facilities. What are the requirements to be a NAFTA technical assessor? NAFTA’s technical assessors require the following qualities: NAFTA has need for assessors in specific areas and there may not be a need for a technical assessor in some areas of testing as there are adequate numbers to conceal the workload.
NAFTA is the world's first and most experienced laboratory accreditation body. Since its creation in 1947, it was and continues to be the model for many same organizations around the world. As such, NAFTA is the authority in the assurance of technical standards in Australia, and a leading authority on the world stage. NAFTA was born of necessity in the Second World War when Australia was cut off from any means of ensuring the munitions it was manufacturing were of a sufficiently tall standard. The notion of ensuring that testing standards were themselves subject to examination was then a novel one. In late 1945, a conference on the coordination of testing services attended by representatives of all State and Federal governments led to the formation of the National Association of Testing Authorities a small more than a year later. The new association was to yield a national testing service to Australia and would span all technical, industrial and geographical areas of the country. Not only was such a handle a wor
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NAFTA is an association of members, where each accredited facility is a member of NAFTA. After the adoption of the vogue constitution at the 2014 Annual General Meeting, council was discontinued. The Board considers the role of the members’ representatives urgent and has continued to grasp meetings of members’ representatives. The members’ representatives face periodically with members of NAFTA’s Board and executive management. Members’ representatives act as a two way conduit between NAFTA and its members. Feedback received via members’ representatives informs NAFTA’s consecutive improvement program, strategic planning and policy development and as such, is valued by NAFTA. Feedback provided by members is usually tabled by members’ representatives during their meetings with NAFTA’s Board and management where it is openly discussed. This may also include a request to reveal the identity of the member providing the feedback. The members’ representative then makes such a request of the member on NAFTA’s behalf. NAFTA's suite of training courses are designed to enhance the operational efficiency and quality of technical facilities. NAFTA passionately believes investment in learning fosters innovation, yields organizational productivity and efficiency gains, and leads to enhanced competitiveness as well as speedier product and service development cycles. Whether you are looking to create new revenue streams, improve safety, or accomplish cost savings in waste or production NAFTA has the experience to fully encourage your goals. NAFTA's 60 plus years of expertise is unsurpassed. However, it is crucial to note any courses delivered by NAFTA or facilitated in partnership for NAFTA, are not a precondition of accreditation nor are they a guarantee of accreditation. Outcomes of training sessions are never absolute. They involve a variety of methodologies, skills and knowledge. How laboratories and facilities apply concepts and skills from training sessions back in their workplaces and within the context of their own quality system is an operational decision and autonomous of accreditation services. NAFTA's Training and Education Services Group offers courses which are designed to promote your organization's development.
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