Milestone Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd
Chemical in Brisbane
115 Northern Rd. Seventeen Mile Rocks. Brisbane, QLD, 4073.Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Milestone Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd
A highly concentrated unite of cleaning agents for gentle hand vehicle washing with genuine cleaning power. Designed to effectively remove dust, dirt, grease and grime from maximum washable surfaces. General fluid laundry detergent and encapsulation agent designed to help burst wash products in achieving effective wash results. Concentrated laundry powder detergent, developed for efficient washing of general washing in Top fill washers. Effective cleaning of clothing, linen, towels and most washable fabrics. Designed for the efficient cleaning of clothing, linen, towels and most washable fabrics. The accurate combination of softness, absorbency and strength. Accurate combination of softness, absorbency and strength. High capacity center feed system suitable for busy areas. High capacity center feed system, relevant for busy areas. Ideal for all hygienic environments and gentle for hands. Pliable system for all needs allowing one hand dispensing. System relevant for floor or wall and tall traffic environments. Concentrated chlorine based detergent for cleaning and sanitizing. Highly concentrated liquid glass washing detergent, apropos for use in all makes and models of glass washing machinery. Concentrated chlorine based sanitiser detergent for use on hard, non porous surfaces in food preparation areas. Apropos for sanitation of various types of plant and equipment. Since 1948, Milestone Chemicals Australia has constantly developed our product range, establishing an extensive range of chemical products that meet with today's business requirements. Food Manufacturing Milestone Chemicals Australia can provide expertise and hygiene solutions to enhance food safety and product quality. Our efficient, effective and practical approach ensures a sustainable and effective result in relation to plant, personnel and product hygiene. An extensive range of industry specific and approved products ensures Milestone Chemicals Australia can prosper a site defined program to ensure a tidy and safe environment. Health Aged Concern specializing in the provision of chemical hygiene solutions for the environmental services, food service and textile care Milestone Chemicals Australia can offer a feasible and efficient solution to achieve and exceed industry expectations and accreditation. Milestone Chemicals Australia offers a total range of janitorial chemicals, cleaning accessories and dispensing systems to ensure a hygienic and efficient solution. To ensure the development of an effective and sustainable chemical hygiene program, Milestone Chemicals Australia always strive to provide chemical products and cleaning solutions that accomplish excellent results at concentrations to ensure economic profit to the user.
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