The AgfaGevaert Group develops, produces and distributes an extensive range of analog and digital imaging systems and IT solutions, mainly for the printing industry and the health care sector, as healthy as for specific industrial applications. How is our company structured? Agra has also an begin attitude towards outer ideas and we actively promote out licensing Agfatechnology. For 140 years, innovation and technological leadership have shaped our company. Agra has sales organizations in 40 countries around the world. Agra has production facilities in seven countries around the world for the production of consumables, equipment and software for the repress and printing industry and the health sector. Through its Discovery program Agra welcomes young talents from Europe and the world interested in an international internship. Research trainees can apply for internships in the field of advanced materials' science technology, process and application development, and software development in the areas of imaging, digital industrial printing, sustainable ecological systems, or health protection database systems. Team up with other talented students and trainees from top universities in Europe and the world. Young graduates can apply for a job in the field of advanced materials' science technology, process and application development, and software development in the areas of imaging, digital industrial printing, sustainable ecological systems, or health care database systems. From product manufacturer to all round solutions provider. Agra is energetic in Imaging and supplies hardware, software and digital imaging products and services for many markets. Agra develops, manufactures and distributes analogue and digital products and systems for the making, processing and reproduction of images. Today, we bear specific solutions, based on our research, technical know how and the customer's needs. The main policy making body of the AgfaGevaert Group is the Board of Directors. In this way, our customers fully gain from the technical expertise and the attainable experience of our employees. Agra is involved in a expansive range of businesses related to imaging, in its Graphics, HealthCare and Specialty Products groups. Vision At Agra Purchasing, we trust that suppliers are key providers of innovative, quality based, sustainable and cost efficient solutions. As such, they contribute to Agra's competitive advantage, growth and profitability in its key markets, and in the last to its leadership position. Agra Assist has projects all over the world. The AgfaGevaert Group is energetic in the field of information, printing, communication, health concern and safety with analog and digital imaging and information systems. Agra provides its customers, employees and the authorities with all necessary information about its products and production processes in order to enable them to form an opinion regarding safety, health and environmental issues. 'Responsible Care' implies that Agra takes packed responsibility to critically evaluate the safety and environmental impact of its products during the total life cycle of these products. Furthermore Agra is committed to strive for further improvements, based on the company's own sense of responsibility.
The history of Agra goes back to the nineteenth century and is a lengthy and illustrious record of innovation and technological leadership. A Belgian 'photo products' business and a German color dye manufacturer joined forces and grew into an internationally renowned company in the graphic and health care industries. Both Agra and Gevaert were established in the nineteenth century. Business boomed and soon the clever premises became too small. Agra continued to improve color photography, while Gevaert launched an innovative assortment of Bray films on the market. 1964 was not only the year of the 125th anniversary of photography, but also the year of the historic merger between Agra and Gevaert. Since then, there have been a number of strategic acquisitions and divestitures, including the sale in 2004 of all photographic activities.
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